Πέμπτη, Ιανουαρίου 15, 2009

I'm a thief

"I am a thief because I acquire music from the Internet. Habitually. Gleefully. Unapologetically. I download, I stream, I burn, I rip and I glow. I shuffle through playlists, scour file sharing engines, peruse Web sites for music video selections and compile songs for mixes I make for my friends with less tune-hunting time than I have.I do it all to find The Song. The One that elevates me when I'm down or, conversely, compliments the hurt after a rough day. The One that makes my adrenaline surge, my serotonin flood, my blood rush to my head. The One that connects me to another person. The One that connects me to the artist who authored it. The One that connects me to myself.And yet, I'm told that by doing so, I am conducting burglary. I am accused of being unlawful. Unethical. Unloyal to musicians, even. Unloyal?" 
Όπως δημοσιεύτηκε πριν κάμποσα χρόνια στο θρυλικό mouschocolat απο τον tunik

2 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος είπε...

'Hail to the Thief'...

Music by itself has been consindered as a manifestation of otherness, opposed to such notions such as ethos/loyalty/laws....

onelittleastronaut είπε...

shiny interesting people